Kingroon Spool Holder (Dittos Remix)
This is a remix of Dittos original (
I was finding that the spool was pulling tight and relied too much on the extruder to rock it over, to release more filament. This was causing over and under extruding, so...
I added a roller in the actual holder. Initial testing has proven really well.
This is a 4 part print and I have split them into seperate parts, just for ease of printing for me really, also, with this new part, all 4 won't fit onto the 180 X 180 bed.
Supports are needed for most of the components but if you print part 4 vertically, it would probably work better.
*NOTE Be careful when removing the insert support on the spool holder its self (For the roller), as the top is very fragile. Also, the cylindrical roller, is a really good fit in the said cavity for the roller, removing it for any reason, is not going to be easy. So make sure you do a good job of removing the support attachments. To remove the support I just dug in a the centre and used upward pressure to release the attachments.